Baltimore City Garden Club
Tour - May 20th
Exhibit at The Orangery of the Historic Hampton House
"...Glass House of Dreams" is an extraordinary pictorial
history of Baltimore's Conservatory in Druid Hill Park, extolling
the beauty of what might be the second oldest such structure in
the United States."
Susan Reimer
The Baltimore Sun un
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“Druid Hill Park Conservatory greenhouse is a whimsical collection
of glass, curved steel and light.”
Frederick N. Rasmussen
The Baltimore Sun
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Our Latest Publication

Baltimore's Victorian Glass Palace In The Park
By Margaret Haviland Stansbury
Photographs by David Simpson
A glorious new book celebrating the
rebirth and flowering of a Baltimore treasure,
The Howard Peters Rawlings Conservatory and Botanical Gardens
in Druid Hill Park.


Glass House of Dreams
Posters & Note Cards

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